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One application designed for exploring the charming city better in a narrative way

Applied Tools: Scapple, Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, Adobe XD, Principle
Project description

Experience City designed for sharing and collecting valuable experiences about NYC, the most wondrous city, by audio posting. This application aims at providing users one intriguing approach to access others' experiences to know more and explore better this enchanting city.
New York City, the kind of place stays with you for the rest of your days once you have truly experienced it. No single city truly affects a person like New York does.
New York is a city full of surprise and mystery. I have the infinite passion on knowing more about this charming place and I never feel tedious to do it. Explorer might hit on an unforgettable moment at the next second or run into one touching experience at the next corner. Therefore, I believe that NYC is one city worth everybody to experience more and know better.
Working Process

Research - Customer survey
During the research stage, I did the demand surveys by asking several friends who have been living in NYC for a while to see if they are interested into one App can offer them other people's interesting sharing about the city they already know.

Research - Observation and inquiry

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis conducted at the beginning of the research stage, for helping me know well about the design strategy in the aspects of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Especially the analyses of weaknesses and threats make me aware to pay more efforts on dealing with the design problems of experience collection and user long-term utilization, which are key points for achieving my design intention.
Divergent Thinking Of App Function

I did the thinking map to help me organize the product functions and also, form the operational mechanism.
Sketches & Paper prototype

Work on design and scheme the app interface design with hand drawing, it helps me build out the first version of the rough prototype. After that, I printed it out and did the paper-prototype testing to see if there is any flaw or error in the design of functional architecture.

After the user testing, I add the keywords-editing function which can allow the user to explore posts based on specific interests and keywords.
User journey map

UI delivery & sitemap

Demonstration of functional prototype

Higher rating experience will show in bigger size
Closer experience more close to the center
Explore experience --
To find popular experiences by checking the popular page, it recommends nearby experience which got higher rates. The arrangement of recommended experience according to its rating and distance, which designed for easier to know how far the experience with and how popular it is.
Create experience --
For create one experience post, the user can edit experience location by adding current location or input certain address first. After that, the user can choose the audio source from the library or record new audio by holding record button. After release the recording button, the user can listen and check the recorded voiceover. The next step is adding the experience categories and keywords for other users searching posts according to certain words. The last step before publishing the experience is editing the experience description and adding the recommendation score.
Create experience - edit experience location
Create experience - edit audio source
Create experience - edit category and keyword for experience
Rating experience --
After clicking the button "GO", the experience will be added the trace page automatically for user checking later. Users can browse all the experiences they went by checking the trace page, there are two ways to show the trace history - map and timeline display. Besides, users can rate and review the experience by checking into the experience post.
Check trace history by map or timeline
Rate and command on the experience
Inspiration Brief
Recently, I am reading one book, Never can say goodbye, is made of different essays of writers talking about their life in NYC. It is one charming, exhilarating book about the New York experience. I have enjoyed the different voices and felt the Manhattan in their special views, which offers one new way to see the city I am living. It makes me feel the city have more faces that I didn’t see. Get to know other’s story, access to other's memory about this city is one admirable way to know better this unique city.
What I learned
I got the design requirement from daily life and change my idea into one usable product. Solid research and alternative user testings gave me the right direction to adjust the specific functions and detailed user interaction, which greatly improved the application's user-friendly and usability. As a creative designer, I should pay more attention to daily experience to find the design point to design a better life.

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