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Hi, Sound!


Developing tool: OpenFrameworks( C++ ), Arduino ( C ), Physical Computing 


Hi, Sound! is an interactive installation designed for people who have difficulty hearing to feel the ocean sound via visual and touch senses. Once a viewer puts his/her hands on the touchpad, this installation is activated. It visualizes and projects the pre-recorded ocean sound onto the installation table and transmits the amplified vibration back to the touchpad to be felt by the toucher. This installation designated to allow players perceiving the wondrous nature of the ocean sound through an immersive and multi-sense experience.

The installation developed to objectively interpret and present the pre-recorded material of the ocean sound while offering an artistic experience.

During the trip to Puerto Rico, I was deeply touched by the glamour of the ocean sound in there and it caused me to think how sad it is if people cannot hear and feel the beauty of the ocean sound. From that inspiration, I came out the idea of creating one installation to translate and simulate ocean sound to allow people who have difficulty of hearing feel it via other senses.


After researching, I realized that it's viable that people can perceive auditory information through other senses by generating synesthesia, empathy, and resonance.

Interactive Sensation Mechanism

Installation Diagram

Sketch of the Installation Structure

Transmission of the sound

Installation Diagram

Touch Sensation & Visualization

Vibration - This installation installs one sound transducer located directly under the touchpad to transfer the vibration generated by playing the ocean sound back to the toucher. The reason for applying the vibration mechanism in the project is that feeling vibrations of sounds is the only way for people with hearing loss to recognize auditory information.

Visualization - The dynamic visual effects are generated from the program interpreting the pre-recorded sound. This project visualizes the auditory source by analyzing its volume and frequency, because for simulating purpose, it is one of the most objective ways to represent the sound information into visuals. 

Installation Building Process

Documentation of the Working Process






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